TL;DR - meet a mod somewhere in Europe, flip it out and get a limited edition flair.r/MassiveCock is holding a special verification tour of Europe.The Schedule:LONDON April 21st - 24thPARIS April 24th - 27thBERLIN April 27th - 30thAMSTERDAM April 30th - May 2ndSTOCKHOLM May 2nd - May 5thMay 6th - May 10th TBCLONDON May 11 - 12thWait, what does this mean? Well, if you could never find the time to take a photo to become a verified member, we’re here to help you out! Our very own moderator u/EffectiveSeries has flown all the way from Australia and is visiting various cities in Europe. It would be great to meet, greet and help more of our members become verified.Reddit is pretty American focused, so it's about time our friends across the Atlantic got some love! :)Alternatively, if you already are verified you can have the opportunity to receive a special limited edition flair!Do I have to “do” anything? Nope! Everything that happens is mutually consensual. If you’d prefer to reach out just for a chat or a drink, that’s cool. If you’d rather just do your verification photo and go, that’s cool too. Anything that does or doesn’t happen is completely in your control and whatever you feel comfortable consenting to - consent is important!u/EffectiveSeries has some places he's staying where you can come and hang, or it might be at a mutually agreeable location.Any other benefits? Instead of the regular “Verified” flair, you will instead receive the special “Moderator Verified 2019” flair. The fact that you (and your penis) would officially be confirmed as being real by an actual human is an added layer of authenticity, affirming to the community that you’re not just some random catfish nor did you photoshop some really good verification photos.Plans for a meetup? We might do a meetup if there’s enough interest but I’m not sure what would we do in a group setting exactly...Sounds cool! Sign me up? Post below or shoot me a PM or a chat request and we'll go from there. Gay Porn Pic: [META] r/MassiveCock 2019 European tour! We did some research not too long ago, The survey found “gay male porn” clearly as the second highest searched topic by straight women. This begs the question: And what about straight dudes? How many of them can also be taking a look at man-on-man porn? And which might be their motivations for doing so? Usually being the curious gays that most of us are, we chose to dig a bit deeper, scouring the world wide web for clues. And what we discovered is, well, surprising. Apparently it’s not simply the ladies who choose two dicks inside their porn. Self-professed straight men like it, too. That means you might find them checking out these men on, if you haven't checked it out maybe you should originally shown on MassiveCock